I qualified at Liverpool in 1993 and worked in Standish, Wigan before becoming a GP Partner at Station House Surgery. My qualifications include MBCLB, Cumbria NHS Maternity List, Minor Surgery List and Child Surveillance List.
As a Partner I have additional roles in the practice performing minor surgery and joint injections and am Lead GP for Safeguarding as well as Care Homes. I am also involved with the Kendal Primary Care Network. In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit by competing in Triathlons.
I completed a degree in Graduate Entry Medicine at Nottingham University in 2008, after completing my first degree in Geography. I have worked as a GP in Finland and then Morecambe before moving to Station House Surgery in September 2017. I became a GP Partner in April 2019.
I am the Lead GP for Medicines Management and Research and the Deputy Lead for Safeguarding.
Most of my spare time is taken up by my young family but, when time allows, I try to keep fit by running and cycling.
I qualified at Edinburgh in 2014 where I worked as a Doctor. I then went on to undertake further GP training in Lancaster and the local area. I joined Station House Surgery as a Salaried GP in 2019 and then became a GP Partner in 2024.
My qualifications include MBChB, DFSRH, and I am a Member of the RCGP. I have a special interest in Women's Health and Family Planning.
In my free time I enjoy fell walking, cycling, yoga and spending time with friends and family.
I qualified in 2008 from Newcastle university and then spent a year in New Zealand after house jobs working as a doctor in Invercargill. I initially undertook training in obstetrics and gynaecology before realising that general practice was the speciality I wanted to follow. My qualifications are: MRCOG, DFSRH and am a member of the RCGP. I have a specialist interest in women's health, lifestyle medicine and promotion of men's health.
In my free time I love outdoor swimming, yoga, cycling and fell running (when I am not injured!)
I studied medicine at Imperial College, London, and qualified as a doctor in 2004, and then proceeded to complete my GP training in London, in 2008. I worked as a GP in Kent and East Sussex prior to moving up to this area of the country in 2021, for a lifestyle change, and more dog walking! I have diplomas in women’s and children’s health, and am a member of the RCGP.
I qualified in Sheffield University in 2014 and continued to work as a doctor in Yorkshire. Keen to increase my breadth of medicine I spent some years working in various places including New Zealand and the Orkney Islands. I completed GP training in 2022 and am excited to be part of the Station House Surgery team. In my spare time I love enjoying the outdoors.
GP Practice Pharmacist
We are proud to be a research accredited practice
I am qualified Registered Nurse and am currently a Research Nurse. Prior to this I was a Practice Nurse at the surgery. I work alongside Dr Cowling (Research Lead GP) inviting and recruiting patients to approved research projects. I may contact you in regard to a research project the practice is involved with.
Research is about finding new knowledge that can lead to changes and improvements in treatments and patient care therefore it is an important aspect of NHS work. All the research we are involved with is carried out under the banner of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) North West Coast Clinical Research Network.
Practice Nurses can asses, screen and treat people as well as offer health advice on things such as smoking cessation and weight loss. They can also treat wounds, provide vaccinations, undertake cervical smears, contraception and hold clinics for patients with long term conditions such as Diabetes and Asthma.
I studied nursing at the University of Northumbria and qualified in 2013. Before Practice Nursing I worked in a medical assessment suite in Newcastle before moving to Kendal. My day to day here at the surgery includes wound care, smears, injections, and contraception advice. I also assist the GP's in completing annual reviews for conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma.
I studied Nursing at the University of Hull and qualified in 2015. Since then, I have worked as a Nurse on surgical wards, in Operating Theatres/Recovery, District Nursing and now my current role as a Practice Nurse at Station House Surgery. I completed my Masters Degree in Oncology at the University of Chester before moving to work in Kendal.
In my current role as a Practice Nurse, I am involved in wound care, injections/immunisations, contraception, bloods and ECG's. I am currently completing my training to do smears and Chronic Disease Management where I will be more involved in annual reviews for conditions such as diabetes, asthma, COPD and high blood pressure.
Assistant Practitioner/Health Care Assistant
Karen is a very experienced Assistant Practitioner and has been with the Surgery since 2003. Karen specialises in Venepuncture, Blood Pressure, ECGs, Immunisations & Vaccinations, Dressings and wound care, New Patient Medicals, NHS Health checks, lifestyle advice as well as providing invaluable support in the management of long term conditions Assists in Coronary Heart Disease and Diabetic clinics, Diabetic Foot Screening Clinics, Vaccinations (Flu and Pneumococcal only), suture removal, wound care and dressings.
Carol joined the practice as a Health care Assistant (HCA) in 2008 and carries out the following procedures:
Blood Tests,
Blood Pressure Checks,
Routine Health Screening,
NHS health checks,
Assists with clinics
Practice Management
Practice Manager
Deputy Practice Manager
Data, Quality & Project Manager
The Administration Team deal with a vast array of work from managing the large volume of clinical correspondence that the practice receives, managing patient records, finance, IT, rotas and much much more.
Our Patient Care Navigators are highly trained and committed to helping you. The team will be your first point of contact and will, on behalf of the GP, ask you to provide details of your symptoms, when contacting the surgery. This is so that they can sign-post patients to the correct healthcare profession, which could be someone other than a GP. .
Medical Secretaries
The medical secretaries are responsible for ensuring that patient specific medical correspondence, for example referral letters, are managed accurately and in a timely manner. They liaise with all hospital departments.
We have an amazing team of Dispensers who provide prescription services to those of our patients who are eligible to receive dispensing services. .
Kendal Primary Care Network (PCN) Staff
What is a Primary Care Network (PCN)?
PCNs are groups of GP practices working closely together - along with other healthcare staff and organisations - providing integrated services to the local population.
PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.
(PCN) Social Prescribers
Social prescribing link workers help people focus on what matters to them as identified in their care and support plan. They connect people to community groups and agencies for practical and emotional support. Link workers typically work with people over six to 12 contacts (including phone calls and meetings) over a three-month period with a typical caseload of up to 250 people, depending on the complexity of people’s needs.
(PCN) First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP)
First contact practitioner physiotherapists are qualified autonomous clinical practitioners who can assess, diagnose, treat, and manage musculoskeletal problems and undifferentiated conditions. Where appropriate, they are also able to discharge a person without a medical referral. First contact practitioner physiotherapists working in this role can be accessed directly by patients, or via referral from other members of staff. They can establish a rapid and accurate diagnosis and management plan to streamline pathways of care.
(PCN) Pharmacists
Clinical pharmacists work in GP practices (primary care) in a patient facing role to clinically assess and treat patients using their expert knowledge of medicines. They will be prescribers, or if not, are working to complete an independent prescribing qualification following completion of an approved 18-training pathway or equivalent. They work with and alongside the general practice team, taking responsibility for patients with chronic diseases and undertaking structured medication reviews to proactively manage people with complex polypharmacy, especially for the elderly, people in care homes and those with multiple comorbidities.
(PCN) Mental Health Practitioner
(PCN) Mental Health Practitioners work with GP practices across Kendal. They can draw on a range of mental health services and provide a bridge between primary care and specialist mental health providers.
(PCN) Physician Associates
Physician associates are healthcare professionals, with a generalist clinical education, who work alongside GPs to provide care as part of the multidisciplinary team. They provide care for the presenting patient from initial history taking and clinical assessment through to diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation. Whilst physician associates currently do not have prescribing rights prescribe, they can prepare prescriptions for GPs to sign. Apprentice physician associates undertaking approved training can be employed by PCNs under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme from April 2023.
(PCN) Paramedic
A paramedic in a GP practice setting can provide a rapid response to deteriorating patients and patients with long-term conditions, minor injuries, and minor illness. They can also support patients who require wound care, have fallen, have musculoskeletal problems, and have urinary tract or respiratory infections. Paramedics can supply a range of medicines through patient group directions, including antibiotics and analgesics.
Paramedics can support GP practices in responding to on the day demand by offering telephone triage or undertaking home visiting. They can also support GP Practices to improve access to care by managing minor ailments and seeing patients in care homes.
(PCN) Care Home Nurse
The Kendal PCN Care Home Nurses work alongside GP practices in Kendal to provide care and support to our patients living in care homes.
(PCN) Care Home Pharmacist
A Primary Care Network (PCN) pharmacist works alongside a multidisciplinary diverse team of health care professionals in general practice and within the primary care network, providing primary support for prescription and medication queries.
(PCN) Care Home Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technicians play an important role, complimenting clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists and other members of the PCN multi-disciplinary team. While Pharmacy Technicians do not prescribe nor make clinical decisions, they do work under supervision to ensure the effective and efficient use of medicines.